Tuesday, April 1, 2008

PhD positions at the Multiscale Modeling and Simulation group, University of Twente, the Netherlands

The University of Twente (UT) is an enterprising research-oriented university, established in Enschede, the Netherlands. UT currently has over 7000 students and 2700 staff. As a young and innovative university, UT is internationally respected in the physical and engineering sciences. UT is the only Dutch campus university with many sports and cultural facilities.

The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) from the University of Twente educates, and conducts research with approximately 2000 students including 300 PhD-students. The faculty is also responsible for a large volume of service education for programmes of other faculties. The faculty has approximately 300 permanent staff.

The faculty conducts BSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Business Information Systems and MSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Applied Mathematics, Business Information Technology, Computer Science, Telematics, Human Media Interaction en Embedded Systems and is partner in various programmes of other faculties.

In the chair Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS) of the department Applied Mathematics there are openings for

3 PhD positions in the field of computational multiscale modeling

Background of the projects:

The PhD positions focus on multi-phase transport of heat and mass in complex media. This involves the dynamics of large ensembles of small droplets in a gas flow through a domain with complex shape. The droplets undergo phase transition, i.e., evaporation and condensation, and chemical transformations. In addition, the droplets mutually collide, leading to break-up or coalescence. The individual projects share a mathematical-physical multiscale modeling strategy, which is at the heart of research at the MMS group. Separate projects are:

  • PhD1: Multiscale heat and mass transport in porous plugs
  • PhD2: Aerosol dynamics in complex domains
  • PhD3: Control of aerosol migration with temperature gradients

These projects will be conducted in a collaboration with international industrial partners.

For more information, contact prof.dr.ir. B.J. Geurts at b.j.geurts@utwente.nl or visit http://wwwhome.math.utwente.nl/~geurtsbj/MMS/Welcome.html


You have an MSc degree in Applied Mathematics, Physics or an Engineering Science, with interest in computational modeling and simulation.


You will be appointed for a period of four years. After one year a project evaluation will take place, and a decision will be made about the continuation of the project. The salary starts at 2000 EUR gross per month increasing to 2558 EUR gross per month in the fourth year.


You are invited to send your application to b.j.geurts@utwente.nl before April

15, 2008. Please include a letter describing your personal motivation, your CV, names and addresses of referees, a list of courses you completed and the grades you obtained.

The chair MMS is part of the Applied Analysis and Computational Sciences (AACS) cluster at the Department of Applied Mathematics of EEMCS, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Sciences. The research at MMS is embedded in the mechanics institute IMPACT at UT, in the J.M. Burgers Center for Fluid Mechanics in the Netherlands and in the recently established Dutch Center of Excellence ‘Fluids and Solids’. In the MMS group pioneering research is conducted in mathematics, physics and computational science. This is applied to fluid mechanics problems in nature and technology both at very large and very small scales. Emphasis is on problems related to energy, environment and health.

This information is also available at the website of LabMath Indonesia.

Laboratorium Matematika Indonesia

Information and Support Office of University of Twente, the Netherlands

Jl. Anatomi No. 10

Bandung, 40191

Telp : (022) 91271863

Email : international@labmath-indonesia.or.id

Web : www.labmath-indonesia.or.id